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Auto repair services

Auto Repair Services

With every service, we provide a full multi-point inspection on your vehicle to make sure you avoid any unwanted surprises later on down the road...

Contact Us For:

Brake Services

Brake Services

Brakes are the most important safety component in your vehicle. With every oil change, we provide a thorough complimentary  brake inspection. We use only the highest quality brake parts to ensure a quiet ride and your peace of mind.

Fluid Services

Fluid Services

Maintaining the proper quantities and qualities of essential fluids in your engine, your transmission, and other components of your vehicle are key to its longevity. We use the right fluid your specific vehicle requires to ensure OEM standards are met. 

Timing Belt Services

Timing Belt Services

The majority of vehicles have a rubber timing belt rated for replacement at 7 years or 60-100k miles. It is crucial to replace this belt on time to protect from a devastating engine failure.

Battery Services

Battery/Electrical Service

Your car won't start on a day you can't afford to be late! To prevent this unwanted surprise, we perform a complimentary brake check with every vehicle servicing.

Suspension Services

Suspension Repairs

Driving on damaged roads or urban streets can have many adverse effects on your vehicle. We will check your suspension system to ensure safe driving in the city or anywhere else you choose to go.

Tire Services

Tire Services

We are now the only auto repair shop in the Sunset that offers tire replacement and repair services! Contact our team directly for estimates on our high quality tires in high demand. 

Avoid the Card Fee

Pay with cash, check, or zelle to avoid the 3% card processing fee!

*We do not accept Venmo or Cashapp at this time.

Choose Sunset Auto Care for Consistent Communication at a Fair Price

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